Thursday, October 10, 2013

I need blood...

This picture is perfect for the Halloween season! This looks like the guitar is crying blood, however I like this picture because it make you wonder why is there blood when he is playing the guitar? Did he kill someone? Why did the designer decide to cut his face out of the picture? This add to the mysterious nature of the picture. Nice!

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Illustrated Designs

I like these illustrated designs because they give me creative inspiration. I particularly like the Mr. Hyde poster. I think it was masterfully created considering he as two personalities. I also like the bike and map illustration. I thought it was thought provoking, it made me want to read the poster for more information. Isn't that the reason why we design...

Source: Communication Art April/2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

good use of photography

There are 6 keys to art directing an amazing photo shoot-Those jaw-dropping photos in your favorite magazines and catalogs make it all look so effortless. But there is a lot of effort that is put into a photo shoot. Below are the 6 keys.
1.Have a vision
2. Earn client by-end
3.Plan, plan, plan
4. Expect the unexpected
5.Choose photographers wisely
6.Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Source: HOW Magazine 07/13

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Award Winning Packaging


Today, I want to highlight awarding winning package designs. As you can see here are some of the best package designs in the industry. My favorite design would have to be the skull that's incorporated within the package design. COOL!  My pictures come for How Magazine  May/2013 Issues and Communication Arts Magazine July-August/2013 Issues

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Award winning design

This Award winning illustration was designed to commemorate the classic shows on CBS. These shows were some of the most celebrated show of all time according to communication art magazine. I like the use of colors and the iconic symbols used to convey the classic shows on CBS. Brilliant!   
Designer/Illustrator: Ty Mattson ( Irvine, Ca.)
Communication Art Magazine: October 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Award Winning Design

I found this award winning design in How Magazine. I thought this design was very creative and I also liked the designer's attention to detail.  Working with the factory theme, the designer created three different floors each representing technology, creativity and entrepreneurship being manufactured. I think this design has a nice flow and would catch the eye of any person.  
Source: How Magazine, July 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Creating Rhythm

The designer has created rhythm by using repetition illustrated by the red and strip dresses through out the design. By the way, does anyone else think this looks like a question mark?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

U.N.I.T.Y>Let's Play

The designer produce unity in this design by the use of  proximity of the type and by the rainbow color palette. I think that this design is a good example of unity using typography.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Elegant Wordmark

Abigail's hotel is a simple but yet elegant wordmark. The positive and negative space here is used appropriately. I think that this workmark look very nice and give a sense of luxurious living.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Asymmertical Art

I thought these were a good pictures of closure ( active white space). They illustrate white space that was initially created to add to the design. I like the how the artist used abstract shape to create a visually stimulating image.  

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Black and White

I choose this picture because it is a great example of effective use of white space. The white space helps the eye determined the type of animal as well as color that is associated with that particular animal.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Display This!

This really caught my attention because of the color contrast and over lapping. I had a hard time figuring out what it said....but i got it now.  
I thought this was eye catching, because ....well it said 'LICK ME, I'm delicious' for god sakes! lol This has a display type and a secondary
I don't think this is a good example of display type but it sure is alluring!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

What Does That Say???

This is pretty cool! I really like how the black type is upside down and it not really legible. But when you take a second look you realize the the refection of the black type spells out the word typography. How cool is that?

Until next time...

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Jason Munn’s poster for the US band Liars

Jason uses type to reinforce the meaning of this statements, which looks like cut letters, to symbolize someone telling a lie or half truth.  If you look a little closer you will see the "L" is really a black knife which could mean the someone is trying to hide it. I think that this speaks to use of assertive tone of the speaker. Overall, I would say that this poster reinforces: secrets, lies and deception.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Type that compliments!

I think this type really compliments the theme here. I think the uses serif and san serif creates a distinction between two logos. I also like the manipulation of the mother and child logo.